PHP Web Services

Uso del servicio web PHP de Alfresco para cargar archivos

El siguiente es el código PHP para cargar archivos usando Alfresco Web Service. Pongo algunos comentarios dentro del código. Si hay algo que te confunda, deja tu comentario y espero poder ayudarte.

 if (isset($_SERVER["ALF_AVAILABLE"]) == false)
 	require_once "./alfresco_sdk/remote/Alfresco/Service/Repository.php";
 	require_once "./alfresco_sdk/remote/Alfresco/Service/Session.php";
 	require_once "./alfresco_sdk/remote/Alfresco/Service/SpacesStore.php";
 	require_once "./alfresco_sdk/remote/Alfresco/Service/ContentData.php";
 $repositoryUrl = "http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api";
 $userName = "admin";
 $password = "admin";
 // Authenticate the user and create a session
 $repository = new Repository($repositoryUrl);
 $ticket = $repository->authenticate($userName, $password);
 $session = $repository->createSession($ticket);
 // Create a reference to the 'SpacesStore'
 $spacesStore = new SpacesStore($session);
 $dir_name =  "s".$irbID;
 // Use a serach to get the guest home space we will use to place the new content in
 $nodes = $session->query($spacesStore, "PATH:"app:company_home/cm:testing/cm:$dir_name"");
 	echo "good, no need to do anything.";
 	$nodes = $session->query($spacesStore, "PATH:"app:company_home/cm:testing"");
 	$contentNode = $nodes[0];
 	$newSpace = $contentNode->createChild('cm_folder', 'cm_contains', 'cm_'.$dir_name);//here has to be cm_ as it is here.
 	$newSpace->cm_name = $dir_name;
 	$newSpace->cm_title = "This is a title";
 	$newSpace->cm_description = 'Description of Space';
 	$session = $repository->createSession($ticket);
 	$nodes = $session->query($spacesStore, "PATH:"app:company_home/cm:testing/cm:$dir_name"");
 $guestHome = $nodes[0];
 // Get the name of the new node
 $name = $_POST['txt_docs_title'];
 $contentNode = $guestHome->createChild("cm_content", "cm_contains", "cm_".$name);//!!the folder's name has to begin with 'cm_' otherwise, using web service can not find it later.
 // Set the name, title and description property values
 $contentNode->cm_name = $name;
 $contentNode->cm_title = $_POST['num_ct_ID'];
 $contentNode->cm_description = "testing description --program creek";
 // Set the content onto the standard content property for nodes of type cm:content.
 // We are going to assume the mimetype and encoding for ease
 $contentData = $contentNode->updateContent("cm_content", $_FILES['document']['type'], "UTF-8");
 // Set the content to be the content file uploaded from the client
 // Save the new node
  Acceda a ServletContext desde dentro de un servicio web JAX-WS

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